Saturday, November 6, 2021


I'm creating a new non-profit organization called "" that will be up and running as soon as my programmer completes it. This website will be dedicated to educating people about bullying, smear campaigns and manipulative web content.

This blog post will contain my tweets at my new Twitter account,


Since I've been brutally attacked online, I have learned to use discernment when reading info. Anything that insults another person directly for superficial characteristics shows me it's a smear and the content is suspect.

Jenna Ryan

#smearcampaigns #webkindness
Always get the whole story before making a judgment about another person. Not everything on the web is true. Some stuff is posted to inflame you and make you hate another person. It's called a smear campaign. Don't fall for it. #smearcampaign #webkindness
"SMEAR LANGUAGE - Language that is used to disparage another person for their thoughts and opinions in effort to make others think they are less-than-human and less than they are. Smear language is objectification of another person and is manipulation & bullying."` - Jenna Ryan 

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