Sunday, May 12, 2024

100 Ways of One Upping

The narcissist is constantly seeking to gain and upper hand in all scenarios as their world is one of power and control. The more power they exert over their targets, the more they are able to control and gain narcissistic supply. 


This article will focus on 100 Ways the Narcissist One-Ups their target.

  1. Encouraging the target to doubt their own intuition.
  2. Direct insults.
  3. Backhanded compliments.
  4. Bragging.
  5. Manipulating.
  6. Directing topics of conversation.
  7. Interrupting.
  8. Accusing.
  9. Threatening.
  10. Punishing.
  11. Silent treatment.
  12. Unsolicited advice.
  13. Encouraging target to discuss problems.
  14. Talking about target's weaknesses.
  15. Reminding the target of past mistakes.
  16. Blaming target for reacting to narcissist's abuse.
  17. Shaming.
  18. Triangulation with third party.
  19. Religious speak.
  20. Objectifying.
  21. Withholding affection.
  22. Conning.
  23. Love bombing.
  24. Discouraging.
  25. Ignoring accomplishments.
  26. Interrogating.
  27. Dismissing achievements. 
  28. Selective availability.
  29. Withholding information.
  30. Projection
  31. Encouraging abuse of target.
  32. Gossiping
  33. Smear campaigns.
  34. Ignoring arguments.
  35. Pathological lying.
  36. Cheating.
  37. Taking without giving.
  38. Arguing 
  39. Denying 
  40. Misunderstanding
  41. Creating chaos.
  42. Aligning with haters.
  43. False accusations.
  44. Giving no credit where credit is due.
  45. Intermittent reinforcement.
  46. Walking ahead.
  47. Intimidation.
  48. Lack of respect.
  49. Walking over boundaries.
  50. Doing bare minimum.
  51. Recruiting the crowd. (everyone says you suck) 
  52. Impression management.
  53. Flattery.
  54. Social proof.
  55. Taking advantage of your kindness.
  56. Taking you for granted.
  57. Leaving you in a bad position.
  58. Pulling the rug on you.
  59. Stonewalling.
  60. Acting fake.
  61. Wasting your time.
  62. Not taking accountability for mistreatment of you.
  63. Not taking care of your resources that you give them access to.
  64. Giving bad advice on purpose.
  65. Acting childish.
  66. Blowing up and acting out.
  67. Name dropping.
  68. Playing the victim.
  69. Stalking.
  70. Coercion.
  71. Pleasure induction.
  72. 2 face.
  73. Selfish.
  74. Neglect.
  75. Ungrateful.
  76. Bait and switch.
  77. Catfishing.
  78. Flying monkeys.
  79. Invalidation.
  80. Betrayal.
  81. Time hogging.
  82. Guilt tripping.
  83. Berating.
  84. Raging.

The goal of the narcissist is to take you off of your center of being, to break down your sense of self, and take control of your being. If you allow people to one-up you, then you are in jeopardy of being led astray and away from your purpose on earth and towards pain and heartache. 

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