
Monday, December 2, 2013

Dr. Steven Brownlow Tweets

I love Dr. Steven Brownlow's tweets!

Loving engagement yields good results. Bad motives bring bad results.

Anxiety indicates that pressing emotions aren’t being processed adequately.

Change always involves loss, and loss always hurts.

It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry. ~Thomas Paine

Growth comes from facing your anxieties.

You can’t think your way to enlightenment.

Small changes of routine can have large impacts on results.

People who can’t differentiate their emotions are more likely to sink into despair.

Life is difficult when you make it that way.

Organs have memories. A transplanted organ often brings its memories along.

People lie mainly to deceive themselves or to cover up different lies they’ve told others.

Nobody in love has good judgment; everybody wishes, and confuses fantasy and reality. ~Elvin Semrad

While one is consciously afraid of not being loved, the real, though usually unconscious fear is that of loving. ~Erich Fromm

When you consistently take whatever comes in stride, you’ve finally outgrown the emotional rollercoaster.

Nearly all of our mental activity occurs outside of our consciousness.

The main difference between poorly developed and optimally developed people is how they relate to their emotions.

Very little has to be done perfectly. Do well enough to get the job done and move on.

The height of narcissism is expecting others to drop their personal celebrations to track your latest catastrophe.

It’s hard to calm yourself when you’re terrified. Don’t get to that point.

 When you’re scared, you focus on yourself instead of your mission.

All chronic emotional states lead to maladaptive behavior and relationships.

People don’t become resilient without facing tribulations.

Care is a state in which something does matter; it is the source of human tenderness. ~Rollo May

Make it easy for others to tell you the truth about themselves, your relationships, and you.

When people are having trouble breathing, it’s often because they are preventing themselves from crying.

The need for control signals anxiety about potential loss.

Desperation doesn’t often lead to getting what you really want.

The secret is to trust a lot of people a little bit, letting your trust and dependence grow as they grow into it.

If you depend on enough different people, then none can hurt you too much when they let you down.

A person’s irrational arguments indicate the contour of their defenses.

If your goal is to make someone else change into what you want, you’ll fail.

When people are motivated by fear in a society or organisation, it's really about compliance rather than genuine motivation.

Building something worthwhile takes effort. Tearing it apart is easy.

Calmness allows solutions to emerge.

Visualize this thing you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blueprint, and begin to build. ~Robert Collier

Love is possible only if two persons communicate with each other from the center of their existence. ~Erich Fromm

Your imagination can conjure up what you desire or what you fear. Use yours wisely.

Whatever you struggle with, someone else treats as a hobby.

Avoiding what you fear leads to poor decisions.

Tentative answers are adaptive. That's what science is. Thinking that you have the final answer--rigid fundamentalism--isn't.

The compulsive need for certainty destroys creativity.

The heart may overrule the mind, but the gut holds all the trump cards.

What you could potentially become most passionate about doing is what you’re now most afraid of doing.

Creative response occurs in the context of ambiguity.

Many problems intensify because people mistake certainty for security.

When it’s fully processed, grief is restorative.

You’re fully responsible for controlling yourself, and you can’t control anything else.

Changing is easiest when conscious desires and unconscious programming are aligned.

Motivation comes from emotion, as does attitude and belief. Heal old emotions and everything changes.

When your avoidance of bypassed emotions leads you to cut off relationships, you retraumatize yourself.

Claiming you don’t care is a form of denial.

The only way past emotional pain is pushing directly through it.

Past trauma truly can’t be erased. The question is whether it should play the starring role in your self-narrative.

You’ll become what you identify with as fearful.

Focusing on problems usually increases them.

Since you’ll arrange to get what you envision, take the time to imagine in great detail what you really want.

Calling yourself a “survivor” means you still feel victimized by life.

What are you afraid will happen if you declare what you want?

Everything you don’t focus on improving will fall apart, whether it’s your house, garden, health, or relationships.

It is the truth we ourselves speak rather than the treatment we receive that heals us. ~O. H. Mowrer

Only when a gut-level experience is fully accepted and accurately labeled in awareness can it be completed. ~Carl Rogers

Anxiety can be understood as an inability or unwillingness to admit hunger or desire. ~Mark Epstein

To grow up, you have to develop an ego. To mature, you have to develop past it.

People from dysfunctional backgrounds tend to discount their own feelings.

People from dysfunctional backgrounds tend to blame their partners for any problems in their relationship.

People from dysfunctional backgrounds tend to guess at what a strong relationship looks and feels like.

Chronically disturbed people fear the same things they desire.

Being dependent isn’t bad. Being dependent on the wrong people is.

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