
Monday, October 7, 2013

Are You Making Things Complicated?

Do you make things more complicated than it needs to be? Sometimes we do this when we're afraid to be who we are. Instead of just living our truth and realizing our incredible awesomeness, we add in a whole mess of complexity to keep things rotten, just like we're used to things being. When the truth is, things don't have to be so complex. You don't have to live in the past, fight for the future and fret over every wrong turn. You have the power, the right and yes, the ability to let go and BE right now, right where you are and become everything you've ever wanted. It's within your reach and it's oh-so-simple!

When we're scared and in fear that we're not good enough, that we're incapable and that life is untrustworthy, we may feel the need to complicate things just to keep from having to face the inevitable pain of reality. We may use complications to keep us from experiencing the truth. We may throw complications into our situations because we're afraid of success, or we don't want to let go of our problems...

Consciously we may want to be free, but deep inside, at the core of who we are, we're afraid of the feelings that just being may bring. We're afraid of the unknown. We're afraid of being wrong or of losing approval from external sources... so instead of standing our ground, we mess things up just enough to keep us on the edge of greatness...

The truth is, life is simple. The things you make hard are easier than you think, otherwise nobody would ever attain it. Love is easy. Loving yourself is easy. If it were that hard, nobody would love themselves because in general, people are pretty simple--not complex. Take control of the reigns of your life and dive into the fear. You will find that what you thought would kill you is actually nothing to fret about... Have the courage to be simple and free.

So take things down a notch. Learn to be simple. Simplify. Choose the easy road. Try easy. It's not that hard, only if you make it that way.  Anything but simple love is not love, but something else. Search for simple. It's been with you all along...

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